November 18, 2008


Are you preparing for a holiday season focused on the true Christian meaning of Christmas? Check out this article that discusses the retailers that are proud to declare that it is the Christmas season. For our family we will be shopping at retailers on this list as much as possible. How about you?

Another option to help on a local homemade like at etsy.

Or a global option might be to help Samaritan's Purse, World Vision or Compassion International.

For us this Christmas season we're going to try to remember all the people that make a difference in our teachers, friends, sales/service clerks, family, neighbors and others. Not that we'll be buying something for all of these people, just doing something to help brighten a moment in their life. Now I'm off to finish designing our Christmas card for this year and hopefully update the header on the blog.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Little Jameson is so cute, although he's not that little anymore! You are so talented, wish I had just a little of your creativity. It was so very nice to hear from you. Days have been rough. Faith, Family & Friends have been overwhelmingly supportive. I can't thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support. Just thought I'd drop you a quick note, letter is on the way. You look great~what a beautiful family!
Love, Jenn