April 8, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it has been almost a week since I posted last. Good times are being had but busy. James' birthday celebrations, last day of school for Jameson before spring break, I went to Atlanta over the weekend for an ADPi meeting, Jameson had his first sleepover with his cousins and I worked a bit on the final touches for my last LALR weekend. On top of the typical daily things: cooking, bible study, bike riding, laundry, swinging, etc. Today we're going to have a good old fashion lazy day at home. Followed by dinner with the family of the new connection pastor at church.

I wanted to post a link to this really cute video...maybe I can work with Jameson to sing something funny? Oh but wait that would mean I would probably have to demonstrate for him and well he screams when I sing so we don't do that much anymore.
Off to get some fun chores caught up...


Anonymous said...

Glad you posted! I've been missing you on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you....I miss the daily updates...