July 3, 2008


Today was a typical all American day. Woke in a comfortable, safe bed, enjoyed a protein shake while Jameson had a cup of juice & a few slices of cheese. Stopped by the gas station to fill up my truck (only to hit the limit at $75), then we ran through for some lunch on our way to the outlet mall to find a few things we might need. Then I got back to Kelley's house and read this. There are tears in my eyes and my heart is very, very heavy. I'm not really sure how God is going to use me to help make a difference but I know there is a plan. How about you?

"Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God's hand for that person." ~Proverbs 3:27


Christy said...

$77 for me today...

Crystal said...

This message really made me think too. It's so very powerful.